Diabetic Retinopathy and treatment options available to reduce the risk of vision loss from diabetes
is the leading cause of blindness. The most significant problem with diabetes
is diabetic retinopathy, which in-turn damages the blood vessels of the retina
which is like a screen where the image of objects we visualize falls.
• Blurred, double or distorted vision or
difficulty in reading
• Floaters or spots in your vision
• Partial or total loss of vision or a
shadow or veil across your field of vision
• Pain, pressure or constant redness of
the eye
choice of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, age of the patient and
the recommendations of the ophthalmologist.
most common line of action. But remember, this can only save the existing sight
level and cannot make it better.
patients with gross swelling in the macula. It may require eye injections in
the form of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitor drug or steroid
to reduce the growth of abnormal blood vessels and leakage of fluid from them.
Multiple injections may be required and help improve or stabilize vision.
hemorrhage can lead to a sudden loss of vision. If the vitreous hemorrhage is
persistent then a procedure called vitrectomy is recommended. Many patients
have improved vision after vitrectomy.
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