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Sharp Sight Centre (Group of Eye Hospitals) for all eye care needs

Sharp Sight is a group of eye hospitals and providing a wide range of eye care services.

They provide solutions for all illness related to eye:

• Cataract, for cataract they have all solution from initial to latest technology like MICS, Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery.

• For spectacles/glasses removal they have LASIK, Femto LASIK and Touch less Lasik.

• Retina: for retina they have special diagnistic support systems that works really well and with advance technology.

• Glaucoma: There opthalmologists are well experienced they treat glaucoma and stop increasing of that.

• Diabetic Retinopathy and other eye related services are treatable under one roof only at Sharp Sight Centre, they have 9 super specialty centres across Delhi/NCR.

For more information call us at +91 9891949380 or fill the form.

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